by Davin Ogden
Why Doesn’t Social Media Marketing Work For Most People?
If you have been wondering why no matter how hard you try and grasp this whole concept of Social Marketing you are not alone. Every day we are being told that in this day and age, if we aren’t using the power of social media and creating communities in our marketing efforts, then we might as well curl up in a ball.
“Hey pal, you better get pouting in a corner because you are going to get nowhere fast if your not involved in this!”
“Are you a complete idiot? You need to be using social media to get your message out there!”
We hear these types of statements all the time. Yeah, and if you want your messages to be spreading using a viral means, you’d better put in twice as much thought and effort.
So why is everybody failing miserably at it?
We have huge companies trying to take advantage of the Social Media craze, yet, very few are making even the slightest dent in the landscape of the medium.
Here seems to be the problem :
Communities don’t come together and form around a certain product. Most often this seems to be the big mistake that people trying to build communities don’t understand. It’s a very rare occurence that a community will ever take off and build any sort of following with this type of thinking. Yet, most marketers are attempting to do it this way.
If you think that there is much money to being made by marketers blasting product recommendations back and forth at each other, you are sadly mistaken. It’s no wonder that people aren’t making the profits with social media that they had hoped for. Have you ever wondered why spammers are banned so fast, and are usually on the low end of the money chain when it comes to marketing online?
Marketing with social media has to have a much bigger scope, and a much BIGGER idea behind it, if you are wanting other people to help build your business and sell more of your products. There must be a common goal within a community that delivers and answers the “What’s In It For Me?“.
The real power of making money with social media is by finding that group of people with a common goal and indirectly marketing within this community that you have formed.
Great Examples :
Jack Humphrey - this guy sells a crap load of his products. Why? It’s because Jack has built a whole community about teaching people not only how to market within Social Media circles, but, he also provides the software and tools for them to make it happen as easily as possible.
Charles Heflin - another great example of a man that delivers the goods. He markets products around his messages within the same like minded thinkers, in which he has built his community as well. Yes, again he teaches people how to market successfully in Social Media circles. He provides the “What’s In It For Me!”, by making their challenges easier in the products and services he creates.
Read a helpful PDF concerning Syndication Revelation.
So could you form a community based around a product like “thimbles”, which may be what your company sells? Probably not directly, no. But, by building a community about the passions of sewing and knitting that thousands of people enjoy, then you might get somewhere. By providing many useful products needed by that community then you are likely to sell a lot of your products!
People need a “reason” to come together and form a community. If this isn’t supplied, success using this “potentially” great viral and social medium will fall short. Try not to form your community around your product. Communities are formed by providing something that we, as human beings, find value in and are passionate about, from a much deeper stand point.
If you understand this, and provide helpful solutions and products relating to the “community need” you are fulfilling, your chances of success are going to be much greater. If your community becomes very popular because of the “benefits” you are providing for it’s “needs”, it will grow and take on a viral marketing effect in due time.
25 July 2009
19 July 2009
Pay-Per-Click Advertising - A Few Things You Must Know to Make it Work
by Fernando Alvarenga
If I would have to choose one thing among the best strategies for success in an online business, then It would have to be pay-per-click advertising.
I love PPC advertising, and you should, too. You only pay when people click on your ad, your campaign is easy and fast to setup and you can set daily budget limits. It must be the easiest way to attract new customers! So... why isn't everybody becoming a millionaire by using PPC? because there is more to making PPC profitable than it first appears.
Pay-per-click advertising is one of the fastest, easiest ways to increase the number of visitors to your web site and catapult sales, and still many internet business owners and online marketers frequently find themselves spending money on online advertising and never see it translate into increased sales. I used to be one one of them.
My ads weren't working, I was paying over $400 every month for Google ads, and for a few months I was lucky if I generated $100 in sales from them. I was totally depressed with the poor response I was getting and was beginning to feel that it probably wasn't worth spending money on PPC advertising. It is true that PPC advertising can be the fastest and easiest way to grow your business, but I also learned that it can also be one of the quickest ways to go out of business, if you don't train yourself to do it right.
Just when I was thinking about giving up, my last resource was to get specialized training in PPC advertising and I thank God for the decision I made that day. This changed everything. My sales went up by 800% almost immediately after I implemented the first few, simple but proven ideas. Not only did my sales explode, but I learned how to make PPC ads that pay for themselves.
The first thing that I learned, is that you have to stop wishing, hoping and guessing at what to put in your PPC ads. The next thing was to find out for certain what works to get the best response and very importantly, I determined what wasn't working so that I could stop wasting money!
To make your PPC campaign a successful one and more than pay for itself, you have to pay special attention to:
*your keyword selection, *the layout of your ad, *the landing page to which people are directed from the ad, *the sequence of information which results in the highest conversion rates, *identify the marketing messages that actually get attention and keep prospects reading, *And the follow-up strategy which will increase your sales by at least 50 to 100%.
Is your PPC campaign helping you earn as much as you'd like? Does your marketing strategy help you generate hundreds of prospects a week and help you convert them into paying clients? Are you getting the results you want?
The importance of training lies in the fact that you will learn from other people's mistakes and experiences, allowing you to implement proven ideas and avoid the frustration and costs of trial-and-error. There are many, very good online training courses out there that can get you on the track to success. You will save a lot of time and money you would otherwise waste on trying to advertise without the clear strategy that adequate training will give you.
You can get instant access to one of the best PPC training programs at
Use this information to design the blueprint for a profitable pay-per-click campaign. You will learn the strategies and tactics that can help you grow your business.
To your success, Fernando Alvarenga.
About the Author
Marketing Manager Camas Imperial
If I would have to choose one thing among the best strategies for success in an online business, then It would have to be pay-per-click advertising.
I love PPC advertising, and you should, too. You only pay when people click on your ad, your campaign is easy and fast to setup and you can set daily budget limits. It must be the easiest way to attract new customers! So... why isn't everybody becoming a millionaire by using PPC? because there is more to making PPC profitable than it first appears.
Pay-per-click advertising is one of the fastest, easiest ways to increase the number of visitors to your web site and catapult sales, and still many internet business owners and online marketers frequently find themselves spending money on online advertising and never see it translate into increased sales. I used to be one one of them.
My ads weren't working, I was paying over $400 every month for Google ads, and for a few months I was lucky if I generated $100 in sales from them. I was totally depressed with the poor response I was getting and was beginning to feel that it probably wasn't worth spending money on PPC advertising. It is true that PPC advertising can be the fastest and easiest way to grow your business, but I also learned that it can also be one of the quickest ways to go out of business, if you don't train yourself to do it right.
Just when I was thinking about giving up, my last resource was to get specialized training in PPC advertising and I thank God for the decision I made that day. This changed everything. My sales went up by 800% almost immediately after I implemented the first few, simple but proven ideas. Not only did my sales explode, but I learned how to make PPC ads that pay for themselves.
The first thing that I learned, is that you have to stop wishing, hoping and guessing at what to put in your PPC ads. The next thing was to find out for certain what works to get the best response and very importantly, I determined what wasn't working so that I could stop wasting money!
To make your PPC campaign a successful one and more than pay for itself, you have to pay special attention to:
*your keyword selection, *the layout of your ad, *the landing page to which people are directed from the ad, *the sequence of information which results in the highest conversion rates, *identify the marketing messages that actually get attention and keep prospects reading, *And the follow-up strategy which will increase your sales by at least 50 to 100%.
Is your PPC campaign helping you earn as much as you'd like? Does your marketing strategy help you generate hundreds of prospects a week and help you convert them into paying clients? Are you getting the results you want?
The importance of training lies in the fact that you will learn from other people's mistakes and experiences, allowing you to implement proven ideas and avoid the frustration and costs of trial-and-error. There are many, very good online training courses out there that can get you on the track to success. You will save a lot of time and money you would otherwise waste on trying to advertise without the clear strategy that adequate training will give you.
You can get instant access to one of the best PPC training programs at
Use this information to design the blueprint for a profitable pay-per-click campaign. You will learn the strategies and tactics that can help you grow your business.
To your success, Fernando Alvarenga.
About the Author
Marketing Manager Camas Imperial
09 July 2009
What You Need To Know To Succeed With Pay Per Click Advertising
by Michelle Kirkbride
The world of pay per click advertising has become more expansive and more difficult. However, there is no need to pass up a lucrative marketing opportunity just because you aren't familiar with this particular method. If you spend your time mastering the tips for creating a successful PPC advertising campaign, you can gain a competitive edge.
The Relationship between Internet Marketing & PPC Advertising Internet marketing and PPC advertising are becoming increasingly popular. You can offer a wide range of products to millions of prospective customers worldwide within a few minutes and on a very small budget. Well, the cost will be relatively inexpensive when compared to many other traditional marketing methods. This method provides you with free advertising to a very targeted market.
Focus On Increasing Your Keywords
If you want to succeed in PPC advertising, you need to create a very large number of keywords. This doesn't mean you can afford to become complacent. A few great keywords that are performing incredibly well are always better than a large list of keywords that are not generating any clicks. Make sure to regularly review your list of keywords to learn which ones are generating a high click-through rate. If you discover words that are performing poorly, eliminate them from your list and replace them with new keywords. This will improve your overall quality score in Google's eyes. This is crucial for effectively managing your PPC campaign and can affect the profitability of your business.
Create an Eye-Catching Title
No matter what you read, creating successful PPC ads in Google AdWords will require more than a few minutes. You want to ensure your marketing campaign is a success so there is no use rushing to finish your ads as quickly as possible. Your title is one of the most important elements of your entire PPC ad, so take your time creating it. Your title should convince visitors to read the rest of your ad and then click through to your landing page. In the competitive market of online advertising, you need to find a way to stand out among your competitors. If you create a unique, compelling title, you will be able to attract a larger number of customers for your goods or services. Conduct some searches in Google to investigate how your competitors are advertising. This will help you gain a competitive edge.
Some effective techniques include asking a question such as "Would You Like To Earn $200,000 Every Month?" or "Here's…" or "How To…" Other options include creating a surprising title such as "Why You Shouldn't Join Our Program" or include keywords in your title so that Google will bold these words. This can draw further attention to your title.
Including A Price Tag or Not
It's often difficult to decide whether you should include the price of your services or products in your PPC ads. You need to know when you would be better to include a price tag, and when it's to your advantage to leave it out of your ad text. For example, if you are selling a computer part for £250 and your competitors are selling the same products for £300, you should definitely include the price in your PPC ads. On the other hand, if you discover that many of your click-throughs are not converting to sales, untargeted traffic may be to blame. One solution would be to include the product price in your text. Another option is to remove any words in the text such as sale, free or download that may encourage people to click without reading your entire ad.
Regularly Monitor & Revise the Content
One of the most common mistakes people make is to create an AdWord campaign and then forget about it or check on it very infrequently. They may see if an AdGroup is profitable and just leave those words or delete any words that aren't making any money. However, a failure to regularly monitor your PPC ads may decrease the success of your PPC marketing campaign. It may also cause you to abandon this advertising method entirely, but for the wrong reasons.
You should monitor every one of your PPC campaigns on a daily basis, even if they are successful. This will help you determine if your profitable keywords are being displayed on the search engine's first results page. If not, you should be ready to make any necessary changes to the text. If you follow these steps, you can enjoy a high conversion rate. This can greatly increase the success of your online marketing campaign, your visitors as well as your revenue!
About the Author
Online business is growing rapidly but there is still such a large number of businesses missing out on this opportunity. Kaplang is a unique design firm that provides quality services for web design, web development, search engine optimization and all other web solutions. Make sure your business stands out from the crowd when adding an online presence to your new or existing business. Read more...
The world of pay per click advertising has become more expansive and more difficult. However, there is no need to pass up a lucrative marketing opportunity just because you aren't familiar with this particular method. If you spend your time mastering the tips for creating a successful PPC advertising campaign, you can gain a competitive edge.
The Relationship between Internet Marketing & PPC Advertising Internet marketing and PPC advertising are becoming increasingly popular. You can offer a wide range of products to millions of prospective customers worldwide within a few minutes and on a very small budget. Well, the cost will be relatively inexpensive when compared to many other traditional marketing methods. This method provides you with free advertising to a very targeted market.
Focus On Increasing Your Keywords
If you want to succeed in PPC advertising, you need to create a very large number of keywords. This doesn't mean you can afford to become complacent. A few great keywords that are performing incredibly well are always better than a large list of keywords that are not generating any clicks. Make sure to regularly review your list of keywords to learn which ones are generating a high click-through rate. If you discover words that are performing poorly, eliminate them from your list and replace them with new keywords. This will improve your overall quality score in Google's eyes. This is crucial for effectively managing your PPC campaign and can affect the profitability of your business.
Create an Eye-Catching Title
No matter what you read, creating successful PPC ads in Google AdWords will require more than a few minutes. You want to ensure your marketing campaign is a success so there is no use rushing to finish your ads as quickly as possible. Your title is one of the most important elements of your entire PPC ad, so take your time creating it. Your title should convince visitors to read the rest of your ad and then click through to your landing page. In the competitive market of online advertising, you need to find a way to stand out among your competitors. If you create a unique, compelling title, you will be able to attract a larger number of customers for your goods or services. Conduct some searches in Google to investigate how your competitors are advertising. This will help you gain a competitive edge.
Some effective techniques include asking a question such as "Would You Like To Earn $200,000 Every Month?" or "Here's…" or "How To…" Other options include creating a surprising title such as "Why You Shouldn't Join Our Program" or include keywords in your title so that Google will bold these words. This can draw further attention to your title.
Including A Price Tag or Not
It's often difficult to decide whether you should include the price of your services or products in your PPC ads. You need to know when you would be better to include a price tag, and when it's to your advantage to leave it out of your ad text. For example, if you are selling a computer part for £250 and your competitors are selling the same products for £300, you should definitely include the price in your PPC ads. On the other hand, if you discover that many of your click-throughs are not converting to sales, untargeted traffic may be to blame. One solution would be to include the product price in your text. Another option is to remove any words in the text such as sale, free or download that may encourage people to click without reading your entire ad.
Regularly Monitor & Revise the Content
One of the most common mistakes people make is to create an AdWord campaign and then forget about it or check on it very infrequently. They may see if an AdGroup is profitable and just leave those words or delete any words that aren't making any money. However, a failure to regularly monitor your PPC ads may decrease the success of your PPC marketing campaign. It may also cause you to abandon this advertising method entirely, but for the wrong reasons.
You should monitor every one of your PPC campaigns on a daily basis, even if they are successful. This will help you determine if your profitable keywords are being displayed on the search engine's first results page. If not, you should be ready to make any necessary changes to the text. If you follow these steps, you can enjoy a high conversion rate. This can greatly increase the success of your online marketing campaign, your visitors as well as your revenue!
About the Author
Online business is growing rapidly but there is still such a large number of businesses missing out on this opportunity. Kaplang is a unique design firm that provides quality services for web design, web development, search engine optimization and all other web solutions. Make sure your business stands out from the crowd when adding an online presence to your new or existing business. Read more...
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